February 1st. I'm one of the new co-Presidents of the Out for Business group which is the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered) group at Johnson. We've got a solid group at Johnson between those that identify as LGBT and supporters.
At the first meeting of 2010, we decided that we were going to work on a number of items including: 1) hosting a Sage Social, 2) running a panel discussion of specific LGBT issues and how they relate to the business world, 3) rework the website, 4) bring in the Industrial & Labor Relations School grad students and Hotel School grad students into our club, 5) Find some way to connect with Alumni and 6) working on incorporating a checkbox option on the application where applicants could self-identify as LGBT.
We had about 10 people at our first meeting and another 5 to 6 that said they would like to be there. I've also met with an ILR grad student and a Hotel grad student who will be attending in the future.